Gartner Blog Network
Gartner's Blog Network is a rich resource. It currently comprises personal insights from around 140 analysts, though around a third of these are dormant and some have been retained on the system even where analysts have left Gartner. There are also a handful of blogs on specific topics, which are given individual titles. Blog content is not given the stamp of official Gartner analysis.
This is InformationSpan's index to Gartner separately titled blogs, which are not linked from the Blog Network listings.
Some blogs are dormant; the indicators used are listed at the head of the list of blogs by analyst name.
diamond : active blog (most recent posting within the last 3 months)
Numbers in parentheses (3) (6) (9) etc indicate that the most recent blog posting is more than 3, 6 or 9 months old. (12+) indicates no posting within the last year or, sometimes, considerably longer. After 12 months we stop counting!

On other pages:
  • View coverage of IT technology areas
  • Gartner blogs for non-technical areas including: Gartner services and management; content for specific industry sectors; and marketing topics
  • View analysts' personal blogs by analyst name
  • Search Gartner blogs from our lead page
  • Access legacy Burton Group blogs
  • Go to Gartner's Blog Home

  • Titled blogs from Gartner
    Gartner have a number of titled blogs; the list changes from time to time and isn't accurately reflected in Gartner's own indexes. Some blogs have postings within the last twelve months but are listed as Archived. And some blogs are listed under a heading which is not the same as the title on their front page.
    Known blogs include:
    •  Business Continuity introduced by Gartner in April 2009 in response to the potential Swine Flu pandemic, and providing Business Continuity advice in response to events. Included in Gartner Blog Home.
    •  Mastering The Hype Cycle (sometimes dormant, sometimes active – keep watching). Authored by Jackie Fenn** and Mark Raskino** who work within Emerging Trends and Technologies.
    •  Executive Programs Road Notes (12+): thoughts from Gartner Executive Partners, now moribund and not discoverable from the Gartner site
    •  Office of the Ombudsman Postings seem to emerge in twos and threes a year or so apart; there is one recent posting reporting changes to copyright policy. Insight if you want to understand Gartner's policies and processes.
    •  The following legacy blogs are no longer active:
  • Symposium Live was generated from Symposium, including live Twitter feed and links to analyst blogs covering the event. This appears to have been discontinued; the link is still active but redirects to the main Syposium page. I'll check again when there is a Symposium in session
  • Innovating Government (subtitled: How Governments manage new technology) - deleted
  • Communication Innovation (Tracking new directions in technology and services) - deleted
  • Application Architecture (formerly called Web Innovation). This link still works, but the last posting is Dec 2008 and the page does not display properly
  • Gartner no longer publish a direct index to these blogs.

    List last updated: